Haltian Products Oy Company

 “Let’s kids be kids with Snowfox to explore the world.”

A student friend who studies at the Business School has chosen the lecture “Strategic Marketing Management” during the period A. Thanks of the partnership between the university of Oulu and the company Haltian Products Oy (located in Oulu), Gabrielle Naud realized a market study to analysis the possibility of setting-up in the United Kingdom, according to the culture of the country, the family practices… The main objectif of this lecture, was to make the analysis by group, sub-shape of challenge. Gabrielle and her team, 4 others persons, have won the competition.

Snowbox is a trackerphone for kids and seniors. It permits to see where they are, be there for them, and know what happens. This first child’s first phone helping with the first moments of independence. But it can also help old people to live an active and more independence life. Thus, it is useful in family’s daily life. You can know where you lowed ones are and how to reach them.

It develops 3 functionalities. The first one is used to sends their location to the snowfox smartphone in real time. Then, call snowfox from the smartphone application at any time. The last function is necessary to send notifications automatically when the user arriving or leaving a place. The application has up to one week battery.



This is the end of my semester in Finland, so my last post on this blog. I hope after having followed all our adventures, we have given you the desire to come and do your exchange here. If you have any questions don’t hesitate. See you later !