Erasmus family

During this semester abroad, you are going to stay with a great family: the Erasmus relatives !Screenshot_2016-08-28-05-09-16

Directly after your arrival in your host country for the semester, you are going to meet wonderful people, who are, like you, experiencing this adventure !

To integrate you directly into the family, I recommend you go out and participate in the events as often as possible, this is how you will have the most fun and create a link, and at the same time, improve Your English!

In Oulu, there are so many Spanishs, they are part of my group of friends and it is by far the funniest and most friendly !




Also, Erasmus life helps you to know yourself, take a step back and think about your life and what do you want to do further. It is a real awareness and I recommend to anyone to make this experience, which allows to improve on all points.

IMG-20160917-WA0007When a crazy week end is over (so every week end), just sit down, sauna and relax !


Do not waste your time geeking on the computer, the adventure is far too short, then go out and profit fully with your roommates, your friends and all your new family !


Arthur Leblais

This entry was posted in Finland.