Grieg hall – Bergen concert hall


Grieg Hall

Grieg Hall

Grieg Hall is a modern concert hall in downtown with 1 500 seats. It is located next to Festplassen and the lac in the center.

Grieg is the name of a famous pianist and composer, Edvard Grieg. He was born in Bergen in 1843. He is well-known to be one of the leading authors of the romantic period.

I went to this place twice and I really appreciate those moments. First it was at the end of September for a free concert for students. The name of the event was “Sagas – orchestral fantasy music”.


The meeting was at 6:45pm and the concert began at 7:30pm. Before the concert people are welcome to have a drink in the nice hall of the building.

During this concert we heard the philharmonic orchestra of Bergen and a choral, maybe 100 persons in total. They have played famous music from Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Games of Thrones and others from TV series. It was an intense moment and after each piece, a long clapping ovation. Personally, I’d prefer the main theme of Harry Potter.

Bergen's philharmonic orchestra

Bergen’s philharmonic orchestra

The second concert occurred at the end of October and it was open for all. The average age was about 45-50 years old I think, very different from the previous time!

This time we listed the Symphony No. 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven, interpret by a famous conductor, Juanjo Mena. There were many musicians and behind, the Bergen Philharmonic Choir. I was fascinating by the voice of Victoria Nava, a singer.

Considering clapping, this time it was very different and strange for me. At the end of each pieces no one applaud! Just silence. Nevertheless, I saw that people were keep their claps for the end. During 5 -10minutes it was just clapping for musicians and singers. I don’t know if it is the normal way to applaud a classical piece in Norway. From my experience in France he was not the same. Or maybe it is because it’s was a unique symphony and they don’t want to interrupt. If you have any clue, feel free to post a comment below.

Have a nice Sunday 🙂