Highland Games

Highland Games are a huge event in Scotland. Highland Games take place in more of 80 cities, villages, islands or castles in Scotland from May to September and it is governed by the Scottish Highland Games Association (SHGA). It combines sports, fun and Scottish culture.

Highland Games combine heavy athletic events like Caber Toss, Tug-o-War and Scottish Hammer Throw, and light events like piping, dance, running, cycling… And it all takes place in a Scottish staging, for example all competitors in heavy events must wear a kilt when they compete.

What about the Caber Toss and the Piping, two of the more famous events in Highland Games?

The Caber Toss

A long wooden pole is stood upright, the competitor takes it, runs and throws it vertically holding the smaller end in his hands. The larger end has to touch the ground first and then the smaller end has to touch the ground in the 12 o’clock position measured relative to the direction of the run. The winner is the one whose the throw is the closest than the 12 o’clock position.

Caber Toss

The Piping

There are two types of piping: the solo piping competitions where competitors play in a range of styles and the group competitions. You can see hundreds of pipers and drummers from different groups playing together and walking in unison.


Secondary events and attractions

Highland Games are not just sport events, there are also lots of other activities.

We can see principally the clan tents and lots of vendors of Scottish related goods. Visitors can have information about the Scottish roots and can join a clan if they want.

Moreover, armouries exhibit their collections of swords and armours, and they stage mock battles.

You can also see exhibitions and trials of herding dogs which highlight the breeder’s and trainer’s skills. There may be other types of Highland animals too.

In addition, various traditional and modern Celtic arts are shown like Harper’s circle, Scottish country dancing, traditional music, song and others entertainments.

To finish, if you are hungry, some food vendors are here to offer you various types of traditional Scottish foods and refreshments.

This entry was posted in Dundee.