Modules Presentation

If you are thinking about studying at Abertay University next year you might have already looked at the modules catalogue. It is kind of hard to figure out what your courses will be like only with a small description, that’s why I decided to present you the modules that I am studying. In France I am in L3, in Abertay I have a module from the second year and two from third year because here students start since the first year to really study accounting. In Abertay you only need to take three modules to validate your semester.

  • Financial Accounting :

This module is from the second year programme, I am very happy that I took it because otherwise I would have had a hard time to manage my second accounting module. For this module I have one hour of lecture and two hours tutorial, however we are only 10 students in this module so the lecture and the tutorial look the same.
For this course as for every other one I am studying here the lecturers are really organized and they show you the module schedule on the first class so you are fully aware of what you are going to study.

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As you can see we studied consolidation during the first half of the semester and now we are going to start to look at smaller subjects.

In this modules you have to give back an essay which counts for 30% of your grade for the semester, this year the topic is ” Integrated Reporting “.

Next week ( week 7 ) is feedback week so you can go to the class and ask your questions which is great because we had our first mock exam this week.

  • International Financial Accounting :

For this module the lecturer is the same that for Financial accounting, it is the rest of the first module. I am not sure I would have understood this module without the first one.

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We change topic every two weeks which makes this module very interesting. The final exam counts for 100% of your grade.

For those two modules the textbook is the same, I would recommend buying it if you want to work at home because you may have some lacks of knowledge on some of those topics.

Even if you will find a lot of informations and exercises on your intranet.

  • Corporate Finance :

This module is the best of those three in my opinion. The lecturer is really good, he explains every concept very clearly so it makes it very easy to understand.
In this module like in every modules you feel like the lecturer really wants you to succeed. At the end of the lectures as on the end of the tutorials you have to take a ” clicker ” and press a number between 1 and 4, 1 means you perfectly understood everything and 4 means you didn’t understand anything.

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This module is very interesting and because the lecturer used to work in banks he gives you real life situation to illustrate a concept, it makes the module less theoretical and way more captivating.


I hope you will find this post helpful.


See you next week

This entry was posted in Dundee.