Oulun Yliopisto – University of Oulu


Monday 25th August, me, Arthur and Mattéo climbed our bike and have to cycling until the university of Oulu (situated at 3,5 kms our accomodation), as most of the finish people do it.  We put the feet for the first time at the university « Oulun Yliopisto ». This university is immense and is located in the middle of one thousand fir trees. It’s very easy to be lost, that is why they created an application, where it’s possible to find a way and to be guided towards the classroom.

 To be clear, the university of Oulu is  one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland with a focus on innovation, internationality and notherness.
University welcome several pole like business school, faculty of science, education, humanities, medecine, technology. To facilitate the service during the lunch, with 16000 students, the university propose ten restaurants (like a Subway for example) for an average price of 2,60 €, which is totally reasonable. There are also a zoological museum  within the structure, a stationery store, a post office, a cloakrooms to put his jackets…
And do you know what is else? If I tell you that there a room for seepling, you can’t believe me but it’s true. The « quiete room » is present. And many space are reserved for group work.
After a few hours of lessons, it’s complicated to find his bike in the middle of other hundreds bikes, located on parking for bike everwhere around the university. I let you watch the video to discover more about the building.

Video editing: Audrey Brousseau
Music : Evelina (finnish singer), honey ft. Mikael Gabriel