Scottish Government


Capture d’écran 2016-10-25 à 18.32.12


Scotland has its own government since 1999. The government is led by a first minister, who is Nicola Sturgeon at the moment, she is also the leader of the Scottish National Party. She is the first woman to hold that position.

The headquarters of the government are in Edinburgh as well as the Scottish parliament. The parliament counts 129 members elected called the MSPs which stands for Members of Scottish Parliament.

The original Scottish parliament existed from the 13th century until Scotland merged with England.

At the present time the Scottish National Party is the party who have the most MSPs at the parliament, indeed they have 63 seats over 129.

SNP is the largest party of Scotland in term of membership, it is a pro european party.


See you next week

This entry was posted in Dundee.