Meet the Reindeers

Hi !


Last week end we decided to rent a car to go to the Loch Ness. In our way we stop in Glenmore to visit the Cairngorm Reindeer Center. We took the “Hill Trip” which allow you to go to feed reindeers in their natural habitat.

The weather in Dundee is still very nice and not to cold so we were very surprised when it started to snow in the mountains.

When you arrived at the reindeer center, you are able to rent a pair of welly which I recommend since the mountains are quite muddy.

Then the trip starts with a little walk to go and find the reindeers, during the walk the guide will tell you everything about the history of the reindeers in Scotland and how the climate is perfect for them over there.

Once you find the reindeers you will be able to feed them and take selfies with them if you want to. Reindeers are very friendly animals.







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