Writer: Tran Thi Thu Trang – No.19
Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam and the country’s second largest city by population. Hanoi is known for its ancient houses which were built at the late of the 20th century, intact with typical architecture, especially on Hanoi streets. The traditional trade villages and old streets are ancient beauty of the “unique” Hanoi, however, the image of old collective zones/blocks/houses, on the other hand brings negative look for the local community and foreigners as well.
Source: https://www.chotot.com/kinhnghiem/kinh-nghiem-mua-nha-tap-the-cu-de-hieu-qua-va-thoa-dung.html

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With the aim to give a new look for Hanoi but still keeps its ancient architecture as a traditional value, and to set up a playing-ground for the free young artists to share their talent and enthusiastism to the community, these artists with the support from local authorities and some organizations started painting colorful murals on the old walls of the towns/villages in Hanoi, on a specific subject. Over the past years, walls and fences of the selected areas were covers with lively and bright pictures such as animals, characters of fairy tails, … or to express the history of the local itself.
The pioneer should be mural painting of a romantic Venice city, gently covered the wall in the alley on Yen Phu street in the centre area of Hanoi by a small group of young artists firstly being invited a family in the town for drawing a landscape on their house’s wall. However, everyone were so impressed with the beautiful pictures which made the small rough alley become more colorful, more alive that all the neighbors decided to ask for drawing all the rest walls.
Moving with the same activities but in others areas in Hanoi, we can see the appearance of the Central Women’s Collective on Phao Dai Lang street in Dong Da ward, Hanoi is also completely changed with the pictures of Vietnamese villages, trains … reminiscent of the old memory of Hanoi being painted. The old walls made many people so surprised and memoriable. The paintings are the result of a community project called Arts build communities conducted by young artists from Ho Chi Minh city coming to Hanoi for design, especially the architect Ta Thi Thu Huong and artist Nguyen Thanh Tuyen, director of the painting company for the main theme. This project has been on process since Novemer, 2017 and expected to complete with total of over 20 pictures in overall.
Source: http://petrotimes.vn/khu-tap-the-dep-ngo-ngang-voi-tranh-bich-hoa-501613.html
In the coming time, the local authorities need to take measures to raise public awareness in protecting the art works as well the enviroment when more and more tourists visits these villages, also to support the artists to encourage their talents and spirits, to give the others areas in Hanoi a new look.
In my opinion, this is cultural innovation, which is a new art expression. The values that this activity brings are really innovative, as follows:
– A lawful framework for street, mural and free artists to express thier creativity
– An expression of modern urbanism for local government and communities, but still keeps its traditional value
– A medium for communities to understand more about urban art
– A cultural link between art and the wider community which offers new opportunities for connection
For this action, as I mentioned above, firstly we need the huge support from local authorities for allowance, for the eligible policies and communication methods to promote to the local communities. Moreover, the support from some finance organizations/personals for sponsors for materials, equiptments for operation and importantly, the support from the artists themselves for the enthusiasm, passion and love to art and Hanoi city.
Thanks for showing us link between tradition, art and architecture and new innovative pratices… What kind of innovation is it ? what kind of people could support this actions ?