How Hanoï has an overview of international technologies and participates in innovation ?

As the “Vietnam’s science, technology and innovation strategy 2011-2020” article says, Vietnam pays more and more attention to Sciences, Technologies and Innovation. In fact, in May 2016, the government approved the Proposal 844 -on Development of National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Toward 2020- giving to cities the opportunity to develop their innovation ecosystem.

I agree with the article that Vietnamese government give access to innovation in making international partnerships and supporting cities in their steps. Hô Chi Minh, the economic capital of Vietnam is well known for its number of start-ups that increase every year. But what is going in Hanoï ?

In fact, Hanoï is much more innovative that I expected and give a particular attention to sciences and technologies. Indeed, the government provides fund to the University of Science and Technology (HUST) and open its network to realise partnerships between HUST and many different universities. You won’t believe it bu HUST is a member of seven organizations and international university networks, organizes more than 20 international conferences and workshops annually, is part of a variety of international research projects and so on. French universities, ASEAN-UNINET, ASEAN-SEED-Net, South East Asia Technical Universities Consortium, the list of partnerships with foreign universities is broad.

The innovation policy in Hanoï offers to the city the opportunity to develop the innovation. Those partnerships, between universities, means an exchange of students, more facilities to develop the research and teachers from all around the world.

Another example will be the incubator at the Foreign Trade University called FIIS : FTU Innovation and Incubation Space. In fact, this incubator, supported by the government, helps the students to launch their projects, including scientific and technological projects. The best promising projects will be financed (in part) by the incubator. It’s a way for the government to promote innovation but also to push students to innovate in helping them in their ambition. Those initiatives help the country and the capital to develop the economy and promote innovation.

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