Innovation in Medtronic’s Business

Writer: Phan Le Vu – ID 20

The article gives an overview about the Medtronic covering a wide range of business groups including Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Restorative Therapies & Minimally Invasive Therapies with six clear missions and 3 main strategies of Therapy Innovation, Globalization & Economic Value. Through the story of Medtronic, the author would like to answer the question “How to accelerate access to care for the many untreated cardiac patients in Vietnam?” based on the analysis the fact of medical sector in Vietnam, and finally to identify treatment opportunities for Medtronic in Vietnam.

Accordingly, regarding the global growth of Medtronic, the strategy called “Dare to C.A.R.E” impressed me strongly. As mentioned in the article, Dare to C.A.R.E is a continuous approach to manage heart and vascular health in local communities, developed by the Heart Health Foundation in 2000. Refer to the diagram in Exhibit 6, you understand that through the Events & Outreach programs (Patient Enters Program – PEP), after making applications for Dare to C.A.R.E, patients shall be screened and then received the results with clear explanation. If, they get no disease, they shall be eligible for screening in five years and if not, they shall be checked for the best treatment option. This program really motivates patients to take action by educating and engaging them to overcome the diagnostic challenges for vascular disease.


Case Study: Market Development and Innovation in Vietnam (Celebration 2015 – NUS Business School)

One thought on “Innovation in Medtronic’s Business

  1. Thank for your interest and abstract. cool you add an title ?
    What is the king of innovation ? could you explain it a little bit more please. Is there any medtronic firm in Hanoi ?

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