Making Changes with Change Management

How should we learn to manage change without making changes ourselves? The core spirit of Mrs. Pailler teaching started with breaking up the inherent groups and shaping us into new ones of different mix-ups. Amazingly, a new breath of change overtook the class as we now had to work with different rosters. Thus, doubt, fear, confusion and also excitement arose because now we did not know what we should do, who might lead the new teams.

And yet still, we managed to overcome the initial unpreparedness of the split and made new friends, new connections. Because we understood that through cooperation and openness, progress can be achieved. Our team with a combination of the brightest Vietnamese and German minds decided to work on the assignment of investigating the states of temples in Hanoi.

“Do not pretend that things change if we always do the same thing.” – Albert Einstein

Great words from a great man, and taught by a great teacher. Mrs. Danielle Pailler presented us an important lesson during the invaluable week. Furthermore, she will always remain in our minds as the person who gave her students the chance to stand up and address of our own changes in life.

Son Ta

Student of MPIE 08

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