The change which I am proud of…

By Ha Trang Nhung

Mrs. DANIELLE PAILLER during the Change Management and Culture course has told us a sentence that is “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing him/herself”. I love this sentence very much. And following I will tell you the story which made me decide to make change of myself.

All of you must know the Honda cub, a very simple and cheap one. But even the cheap one, until the year of 2000, my family still did not have. My father went to work by his bike. When I was 12 year old, my uncle sold his old Honda cub to my father. He was so happy and took it to go to the office. But soon after 1 or 2 hours later, my uncle informed that he changed his mind and he wanted to take the motorbike back. Never in my 12 years existing in the world, I saw such a frustration on the face of my father. And it changed me absolutely from that moment. 

I used to be very lazy at studying. I did not care about studying. The reason was that I was born in a remote village where everyone was farmer from this generation to the next ones and no one care about studying. For them, studying is something difficult and unaffordable and a far-away reach.  There was no one reach university level before. 

From the moment I saw the desperate face of my father, I changed to a different one. Why my uncle had motorbike? Because he had a good job, which was not a farmer as the other people living in my village. He did not live in our village, he moved to the city, he was a doctor. I realized that I have to study because knowledge is the way to make money to buy a new motorbike for my father. 

After that, I realized much more things. I realized that there are so many new & interesting things outside my small village. Life is much greater than what I saw in my umbrella. The change led me to the famous and big secondary school, high school and university. And because I changed, I made some of my close friends change too. And we were the very first people in the village reaching to university life. After that, more and more families in our village changed their mindset and they invested in the education for their children.

Thanks to the lecture of Mrs. DANIELLE PAILLER, I realized that I have mobilized my INTRINSIC CULTURE to change myself. By nature, I am not the lazy one, also not stupid but the EXTRINSIC CULTURE made me have no intention in serious learning. Environment and culture is not the deciding factor to our destiny but they have big effect on our lives. We cannot choose where we were born but we can choose where we stay and develop our life. 

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