
Nguyen Hoang Long – No.13

Nguyen Hoang Nam – No.14

Innovation management is the science of research. It could be the research of the innovation in products, business process, organizational activities, etc. to find out innovative ideas or solutions to develop the society.

In Hanoi, we can find some universities and researchers are doing in the subject of innovation management. For example, we have University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) and Master II Innovation Project and Entrepreneurship course (MPIE). Regarding to USTH, which is also called “Vietnam-France University”, has many Master programs focusing on Innovative Technologies like Communication, Nanotechnology, Energy Management, etc. As for MPIE, this is the course giving students knowledge of innovation management in many sides such as: marketing, strategy, business model, etc. It also brings the opportunities for students to launch their own innovative projects. Moreover, we have many researchers and innovators working in Hanoi. The most famous name is Mr. Phan Tat Thu (Prof.) with over 15 years of researching and educating in innovative solution for enhancing capability of people and organization. He is the author of many innovation models like BizMind, BizGo, BizChange, etc. These models can be applied in-house for many Vietnamese Enterprises such as: Joint Stock Bank (LienViet Post Bank, Techcombank, VietcomBank), Bao Viet Insurance, etc. In summary, innovation management is very important in University Research & Study. It’s the background to develop the innovation of Hanoi in the future.



Writer: Nguyen Hoang Nam – No.14

Nowadays, in Hanoi, there are hundreds of companies from small ones to very big ones like VinGroup, SunGroup, etc. The competition between companies is very intense, especially for the small firms. Therefore, many firms start changing themselves with some innovation. It could be the innovation in products, processes or other activities like marketing, R&D, etc.  The innovation, of course, will have the good impact to the firm’s performance. It creates the added value to the firms themselves. However, to make the general economy become stronger, these innovative have to not only benefit to the firm itself, but also benefit to the consumers and other firms.

In fact, recently in Hanoi, we can find some start-ups that are not only innovative for their benefit, but also added value for the whole economy. In food and beverage sector, we can easily raise the name of The founder of Foody is CEO Dang Hoang Minh. It was launched in August, 2012 with the purpose of create a tool to help people to find and rate all the food & beverage stores in Vietnam. The appearance of Foody created a significant trend. After 3 years, Foody had 650.000 downloads and 9.1 million people using every months (65% from mobile and 35% from website). Foody is very successful to build a huge community of users and owners of many stores in Vietnam. Thanks to Foody, now everybody will be easy to find which kind of food or beverage and which restaurants they will prefer. Besides that, for the owners, they can advertise themselves through Foody and also see the feedback from customers to find the way to improve. So in this ecosystem of Foody, Users and Shop Owner, all of them get benefit for their own. This is the way to strengthen the health of the whole economy.

Nowadays, Foody develop some new application like Tablenow or DeliveryNow that can bring more value to customers. There are also  many companies in Hanoi have been developing in different way of innovation such as: Hanoi Creative City, MoMo wallet, etc. All of these start-ups and companies are the key factors to create the innovative economy.

Reference list:









Writer: Nguyen Hoang Nam – No.14

Source: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(3), 226-232 – ISSN: 2146-4138, available at http:

The article is a research of the relationship between innovation and firm productivity in SMEs in Vietnam. This research focuses on the impact of firm size, firm location and manufacturing sector on the relationship between innovation and SMEs’ productivity.

The article used the data from SME survey in Vietnam from 2007 to 2009. The survey was conducted with 2500 enterprises in 10 provinces in Vietnam including big cities like Hanoi, HCM city and other small provinces like Hai Phong, Quang Nam, Nghe An, etc.

The author used the methodology based on Cobb and Douglas production function:

Y=F (K, L, M) = AKαLβMγ


Y: Total outputs in a given year

L: labor input

K: capital input

M: total material inputs

A: total factor productivity (TFP)

From the methodology, they run the data in 4 different models to test the relation between: Technology Innovation, firm size, firm location, manufacturing sector and firm productivity.

After doing data analysis, the results showed the 4 main points. Firstly, the innovative firms will have productivity 2.9% higher than non-innovative firms. Secondly, there is no significant difference in the impact of innovation on productivity between the firms who have more than and less than 10 employees. Thirdly, the impact of innovation on firm’s productivity in Hanoi and HCM city is 7.0% lower than other cities. Finally, there is no significant difference between the impact of innovation on productivity of high-tech industry (chemicals, transportation equipment) and low-tech industry (food and beverages, tobacco, textiles, etc.).

In conclusion, the author said that, for enhancing the growth, SMEs in Vietnam have to reconsider their current practices in investments, determining the needs, development strategies and gaps for more balanced innovation activities. Moreover, beside the added value for the firm, the innovation in the firm has to benefit their customers and also other firms. That will help for the national economic growth in general.

Writer: Nguyen Hoang Nam – No.14

Source: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(3), 226-232 – ISSN: 2146-4138, available at http: