Success of a company relies both on the contribution of marketing and sales team.

By Do Qui Minh

Marketing and sales teams are both essential to the operation of a company. Although both teams has the same goal to enhance the revenue of the company, when they have to work together, they don’t always get along. In the case when the revenue go down, marketing blames the sales force for not having sufficient efforts. The sales team, in turn, complains that marketing sets prices too high and not doing any practical thing, or not even realize what is actually going on with customers. Marketing believes the sales force focuses too much on individual customers rather than big picture of the larger market.

When both teams are equally important, finding a way to enhance the collaboration between the two teams is essential.

One of the solution is to let the two team understand the role of the other, and that the function of the two team is to support each other rather than competition. This should be through communication with both teams. Marketing focuses on customer behavior of the whole market, branding to raise awareness for the initial sales potentials. They try to determine the preferential products and services, the right features and price. Sales can help marketing to identify the actual needs of the customers, which may not be reflected through market research.

Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the both teams is the first step to solve the conflict.

The second solution is about communication. It is essential to keep sales in the loop of a marketing plan, and vice versa. Organize regular meetings to discuss mutual opportunities and issues. Disciplined processes and guidelines should be used to operate

The third solution is about KPI. Although the two team shares the same goals to improve revenue, their KPI are usually different. In order to measure the effectiveness or productivity of the two teams, there can be mutual factors in the measuring of the two

Success of a company relies both on the contribution of marketing and sales team. The Improving the collaboration, reducing conflict between the two teams needs to be carefully considered by the managers and leaders.

Alliances / Partnerships/ Sharing Economy – More than a course

By: Dang Son Duong

Thanks to the Master 2 Innovate Project Management Program, we had a wonderful week with Mr. Aaron EVERHART, board member of Hatch Ventures.

During his course, we had chance to meet some interesting persons. Everynight he invited one expert come and talk to us. 

Mr Quentin Frecon from School Lab
Mr. Hung from YOLO

Especially, we have one nigth at Vietnam Silicon Valley. Studying out of the class give us a very interesting experience.

Studying at Vietnam Silicon Valley

We understood more about the importance of Partnership and Sharing Economy. Especially, my Kidcom Project found the very important partner that can help us to bring our project into reality. 

Ms. Dau Thuy Ha from KidsOnline, our partner

Ms. Dau Thuy Ha is chairman of KidsOnline, a company that provide preschool management software – Application to connect families and schools on the internet platform (online). She have very strong relationship with many preschools and she is very interested in our ideal. Becoming a partner of KidsOnline is very important for us at the beginning. Ms Ha helped us finding the investors and a very good supplier from Singapore. She also offered me to become the CEO of Rvi Centre (one of her company).

Thank Master 2 Innovative Project Management Program for bringing to us great opportunities and valuable experiences!

Team management – An interesting course

By Ha Trang Nhung

Thanks to the Master 2 Innovative Project Management Program, we have chance to meet Dr. Corinne MIRAL, a professor & researcher at Nantes University and head of doctoral school. She is very nice and helpful.

During her course, we had chance to experience lots of interesting activities and teamwork. One of the interesting thing is the workshop with Vietnam Laughter Yoga Club. Mrs. MIRAL Corinne has invited them to the class. They explained us the effect of laughing to our health, our spirit and our attitude to life and taught us some basic laughing yoga techniques. We enjoyed it very much and found it really useful because all of us are often stressful because of being overwhelmed with workload during the day time and intensive training program during the evening.

Another interesting activity is team building game, which is very relaxing. And at the same time, it taught us how to be a team leader, how to be a good member in the team.

Thank Master 2 Innovative Project Management Program for bringing to us interesting and valuable experiences!

The change which I am proud of…

By Ha Trang Nhung

Mrs. DANIELLE PAILLER during the Change Management and Culture course has told us a sentence that is “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing him/herself”. I love this sentence very much. And following I will tell you the story which made me decide to make change of myself.

All of you must know the Honda cub, a very simple and cheap one. But even the cheap one, until the year of 2000, my family still did not have. My father went to work by his bike. When I was 12 year old, my uncle sold his old Honda cub to my father. He was so happy and took it to go to the office. But soon after 1 or 2 hours later, my uncle informed that he changed his mind and he wanted to take the motorbike back. Never in my 12 years existing in the world, I saw such a frustration on the face of my father. And it changed me absolutely from that moment. 

I used to be very lazy at studying. I did not care about studying. The reason was that I was born in a remote village where everyone was farmer from this generation to the next ones and no one care about studying. For them, studying is something difficult and unaffordable and a far-away reach.  There was no one reach university level before. 

From the moment I saw the desperate face of my father, I changed to a different one. Why my uncle had motorbike? Because he had a good job, which was not a farmer as the other people living in my village. He did not live in our village, he moved to the city, he was a doctor. I realized that I have to study because knowledge is the way to make money to buy a new motorbike for my father. 

After that, I realized much more things. I realized that there are so many new & interesting things outside my small village. Life is much greater than what I saw in my umbrella. The change led me to the famous and big secondary school, high school and university. And because I changed, I made some of my close friends change too. And we were the very first people in the village reaching to university life. After that, more and more families in our village changed their mindset and they invested in the education for their children.

Thanks to the lecture of Mrs. DANIELLE PAILLER, I realized that I have mobilized my INTRINSIC CULTURE to change myself. By nature, I am not the lazy one, also not stupid but the EXTRINSIC CULTURE made me have no intention in serious learning. Environment and culture is not the deciding factor to our destiny but they have big effect on our lives. We cannot choose where we were born but we can choose where we stay and develop our life. 


Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy

“Net Hue” Restaurant is one of the most famous traditional restaurant in Hanoi. Hue cuisine is not only a simple food, through “Net Hue”, Vietnamese diner shall have a better understanding about the history of Vietnam and the Nguyen Dynasty from the 18th century.

Moreover, Hanoi’s customer does not need to go far to enjoy the traditional food of the regions in Hanoi. Hue food enriches the culinary arts of Vietnam, elegant music of Hue royal court is preserved and developed.

Through the discovering and exploring “Net Hue”, we realized that, to attract more customers to the traditional restaurant, the following factors are important:

  • Preserve the name and characteristics of the traditional cuisine
  • Decorate Restaurant with pictures and items which relate to Hue culture and history.
  • Display video and clip about Hue food in big flash screen

Change management! Change to fit, change to be better and we can learn “change management” in anywhere! An interesting subject! An innovative way of learning!

How to nurture your creativity ?

written by Đào Khánh Huyền

In a world where every limit is being broken, tradition is being challenged, creativity is an invaluable asset that we need to cherish, nurture and preserve. Creativity will be the only thing that will differentiate human and machine in the upcoming decade. However, our daily repetitive schedule tends to kill our creativity with its own steady and boring rhythm. During a lesson with Mr. Patrice in the Master Program of Innovation, I was surprised to realize that my daily life was following an old path, which made me lose interest in trying new things. For example, I go to work, to school and back home on the same route every day. I am bored with this but ironically, I am too lazy to change. This afraid-to-change mindset is actually a warning signal to creativity. 

In this article, I would like to introduce 5 easy ways to nurture and maintain creativity in our daily life. 

  • Talk to a kid

Kids are very imaginative and curious. They can think of something you have never thought of. Next time, when you encounter a problem, try asking a kid. Listening to their responses, you might be surprised by their different way of thinking. Even in case this does not work out with your problem, you can still have a good laugh. 

  • Make something on your own

The best way to nurture creativity is through art. You should take up some form of art such as painting, filming, photography, which will wake up your artistic instinct, thus boost your creativity. Remember that Steve Jobs learned calligraphy at his young age, which seems to have nothing related to the innovation of Macbook. 

  • Go somewhere you’ve never been

You can go and explore new places apart from your holiday. For example, you can try the nearby museums, parks, or simply just change your daily route to school/office. When exposed to a new environment or circumstances, your brain will be stimulated to feel, to observe and to be creative.

  • Do something that scares you

When you can overcome any of your fear, this achievement will make you feel more confident in yourself. This allows you to be more creative in your thinking and actions.

Starting random conversations with strangers is also a way to learn because everyone has their unique perspectives – different ways to see things. 

  • Read more and step away from electronics. 

Books are worlds beyond barriers of reality, allowing us to roam on creative space. There, we can connect existing knowledge with our dreams. Instead of hugging phones and computers, we should spend time reading and reflecting on ourselves.

Creativity is a process, not an event

by Đào Khánh Huyền

One of the best decisions I made last year was to enroll in this Master Program of Innovation by University of Nantes, currently being offered at FTU campus. The Program brought me a wind of change in the mindset. Previously, I have always believed that creativity, let alone innovative ideas, has not been and will not be my thing.  However, this started to change since my first subject: “Creativity and Design management” facilitated by Mr. Patrice BONNEAU and followed by many other useful and interesting subjects providing tools and guidance to help me turn my ideas into reality. 

“Creativity is a process, not an event”. As the saying goes, if you want be more creative and innovative, you have to spend time and efforts to practice. In this article, I would love to share with you some of the tools and techniques that I gained throughout Program to practice and improve creativity. 

  • Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a method for generating ideas to solve a design problem. It usually involves a group, under the direction of a facilitator. The strength of brainstorming is the potential participants have in drawing associations between their ideas in a free-thinking environment, thereby broadening the solution space.

One of the effective brainstorming methods introduced by Mr. Stéphane JAOUEN that I found extremely useful is Ishikawa diagram method. This method is a 6-step method to find out the root cause of a problem from which we can come up with a well-rounded solution.  

  • Mind-mapping

This method must sound much more very familiar to you compared to the abovementioned. It is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain, a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally “maps out” your ideas. Mind-mapping is an extremely useful visual thinking tool to structure information to help analyze and create new ideas.

One example of mind-mapping for the MPIE program:  

  • The six thinking hats 

Often, the best decisions come from changing the way that you think about problems, and examining them from different viewpoints. “Six Thinking Hats” can help you to look at problems from different perspectives, but one at a time, to avoid confusion from too many angles crowding your thinking. It forces you to move outside your habitual thinking style, and to look at things from a number of different perspectives. This allows you to get a more rounded view of your situation.

Each “Thinking Hat” is a different style of thinking. These are briefly explained below:

Managing Blue – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? look at the big picture.

Information White – considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?

Emotions Red – intuitive or instinctive, reactions or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification).

Discernment Black – logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative. Practical, realistic.

Optimistic response Yellow – logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony. Sees the brighter, sunny side of situations.

 Creativity Green – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes. Thinks creatively, outside the box. 

  • SWOT analysis

To understand well yourself and the surrounding environment means you already win the half way. This SWOT analysis helps you to do this. What makes SWOT particularly powerful is that, with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well-placed to exploit with your strengths. And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.

I believe that the tools and techniques introduced in this article will be very useful for you to brainstorm, structure, shape and reflect your ideas in a clear and logical way. Should you spend time to practice with the tools, your creative mind will be fostered and improved gradually.

“English activities for Kids” Project

Sujin, Sim –Student of MPIE 08

My project name is ‘English activities for Kids’ which is a business that provide English activities for young kids to develop English and soft skills. 

At first when our team decided our project, we just had an idea but not an exact plan for operation. As we progressed each lecture, our project were more and more specified. Since there were a lot of feed backs from lecturers and class mates, the project was able to be more specific and organized. 

For example, one lecturer, Nicolas ANTHEAUME, director of IAE Nantes, that I remember is about operating&monitoring class. Since we provide educational class per month, the sales of each month should be different and it is related to schools vacation and holidays. And we made the operation plan, expected sales and costs, break even point as below. 

One of operation plan of project ‘English activities for Kids’ 

Being able to manage budget is also the key point for success, and operation plan is very important for running project or business. Based on the business plan, we’re planning to do ‘Pilot test’ to get some feed backs about our projects. Through the pilot test, It could be our new opportunity to start a business in Vietnam. 

 I’m also expecting the next classes coming soon…

Practical, Hands-on experiences

Sujin, Sim –Student of MPIE 08

One of advantages of this master program is that I was able to get more practical, and hands-on experiences. Especially at course “Alliances / Partnerships/ Sharing Economy”, the lecture consisted of a lot of seminars and the students met many experts from different kind of areas. 

Through the seminar, The lecturers have shared their real experiences when they run a project or business and exchanged questions. And I was able to learn about how partnership is important when we start a business, and that will be a key point in success. 

One of the day in the lecture, all students have visited ‘Vietnam silicon vally’ and learned about Vietnam’s start-up programs and incubating systems going on. I was surprised that Vietnam is one of the hotest place for start-up and I thought we’ll get more opportunity in Vietnam. 

I also highly recommend this course for foreigners who’re working In Vietnam if they want to get opportunity here. This course will be a good chance for get network in addition to get knowledge. 

Making Changes with Change Management

How should we learn to manage change without making changes ourselves? The core spirit of Mrs. Pailler teaching started with breaking up the inherent groups and shaping us into new ones of different mix-ups. Amazingly, a new breath of change overtook the class as we now had to work with different rosters. Thus, doubt, fear, confusion and also excitement arose because now we did not know what we should do, who might lead the new teams.

And yet still, we managed to overcome the initial unpreparedness of the split and made new friends, new connections. Because we understood that through cooperation and openness, progress can be achieved. Our team with a combination of the brightest Vietnamese and German minds decided to work on the assignment of investigating the states of temples in Hanoi.

“Do not pretend that things change if we always do the same thing.” – Albert Einstein

Great words from a great man, and taught by a great teacher. Mrs. Danielle Pailler presented us an important lesson during the invaluable week. Furthermore, she will always remain in our minds as the person who gave her students the chance to stand up and address of our own changes in life.

Son Ta

Student of MPIE 08