Interpersonal Therapy based on Attachment Theory (Ximena Boisier and Raphaëlle Butori)

The interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a brief therapy developed in the late 70’s and operationalized by G. Klerman and his collaborators. IPT has been validated and recognized internationally as a treatment for depression. Although Bowlby’s attachment theory is one of Read More

Can teachers become attachment figures for foster children and prevent them from developing externalized and internalized problems ? Raphaëlle Butori and Ximena Boisier

One of us made an internship in a PMI (Protection Maternelle Infantile), whose mission is twofold. It consists in preventing psychological pain (the « prevention » side) and in protecting children in danger (the « protection » side). On the protection side, a great Read More

Do adolescents with insecure attachment styles have difficulties in managing their emotions?

Managing one’s emotions is a critical skill, as it determines a person’s psychological well-being. And this is true no matter the age of the person. From birth onward, individuals manage the negative emotions generated by the separation from the people Read More