How Vietnam managed the crossing road between his historical economy and the way of the actual Innovative development

“Economy Modernization in Vietnam From Industrialization Innovation Stage”

Summary :

Today Vietnam is front to a complex situation in which one it have to chose for the development of the country. In the same time, the country faced to important lacks in the economic and institutional system. The bases are too weak to build directly a new economy (agricultural, industry…) and important rearrangements has to be bone to ensure the future of the country.

Directly inspired by other countries (especially from Est Asia), Vietnam is today in the way to transform his modernization into an innovative development.

Our analysis :

The article explain the situation and how Vietnam managed the change of economy, from an historical Socialist with public policies issues to a more worldwide open model which is lead by the market and the cost-effectiveness.

Hanoi is one of the most historical city of Vietnam. Today, the city is also attracted by developing his economy, especially regarding the tourism activity and it is every day the theater of the « conflict » between both side of the same coin.

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