When looking at the population with intellectual disabilities, there are many cognitive, social and socio-emotional deficits. Many studies have found a higher prevalence of psychological disorders than the general population and a lack of psychological assessment tools. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between assertiveness, self-esteem and psychological disorders.

Our sample is composed of 5 boys and 4 girls with minor to moderate intellectual disabilities in process of professional and social integration. They are between seventeen and twenty one years old. We hypothesized that our sample will have lower assertiveness and self-esteem level than general population. We postulated that the lower the assertiveness and self-esteem level in this population, the more they will have anxiety and depressive disorders.

To conduct this study, on the one hand, we used Rathus assertiveness scale and Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale. On the other hand we used an adaptation of the scale composite ladder of depression for child (MDI-C) which initially is for age 8 to 17. Finally, we used manifest anxiety scale for child (R-CMAS) destined for age 6 to 19. Indeed with cognitive and attention difficulties of Intellectual Disability, for some measures, we have to use scales initially reserved for younger people (MDI-C, R-CMAS). Moreover we had to adapt all these scales to the representative sample.

To sum up, our findings have suggested that there is an average assertion deficit in the intellectually disabled population, especially for young men. A significant prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders is also observed. Finally, the population has a good self-esteem and links with anxiety and depression symptoms are established but must be qualified. Further research on a larger sample is desirable and so is the development of assertiveness programs adapted to the population with a disability and studies about their efficacy. With this in mind, the creation and validation of scales for the study of mental disorders for a population with intellectual disabilities have to be considered. To conclude we give prospects of cares at the end of the research.


Key words: intellectual disabilities – assertiveness – self-esteem – emotions – social relations


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