I.                                    MeToo Movement

The MeToo Movement is an international movement denouncing sexual harassment and sexual assault. People used to recognize this movement through the hashtag #metoo which appeared in October 2017 on Twitter. This movement has improved actions and reflections to reducing sexism. To well understand MeToo claims, we have to focus on sexism and his implication in the workplace.

        II.                  What does sexism mean ?

To understand what sexism is, we must first define what a prejudice is.

A prejudice can be defined as an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason regarding a special group (as women for exemple). In fact, people need to use prejudice and stereotype to organize their environment, to simplify it. We accept that these processes are automatic, that is why we can’t fight them, but people can learn to spot them. As an exemple, women are seen more kind and soft than men who are described as strong and confident.

Sexism also called gender discrimination is a prejudice or a discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. It can affect either gender, but it is particularly documented as affecting women and girls. It includes the belief that one sex or gender is superior to another. In some cases, sexism can foster sexual harassment, rape and other forms of sexual violence.

     III.                  Sexism in the workplace

Sexism is everywhere but has a lot of consequences in the workplace. How can we explain sexism in organisations ?


First, the issue must be approached from gender roles and sexual division of labor. As the matter of fact, some jobs are assigned exclusively to women and some to men. In many cases, subordinate jobs are attributed to women and more prestigious jobs to men. Broadly speaking, this refers to the idea of the woman secretary of the man doctor. This type of stereotyping is still very much ingrained.

Sexism in the workplace has many consequences, for example, is particularly significant when it comes to the issues of wages. Currently, there are still wage gaps between men and women. Moreover, discrimination can also occurs beforehand, during recruitment. Some recruiters will hire more men than women in spite of the fact that they have the same degrees and they are equal in skills.

Furthermore, harassment and sexual harassment appear in the workplace owing to sexism.

Finally, how can we fight sexism in the workplace ? What are the solutions ?

  IV.                  “Meandyoutoo” : Which sexist colleague am I ?

A professionnal and a social psychologist have developed a webapp which identifies sexist situations in the workplace. This test was designed to identify gender stereotypes that people endorse. It is the first step to prevent sexism and sexual harassment in the workplace. There are two versions of this test, the first one is free and anyone can pass the test whoever, whereas the second one is especially built for companies.

     V.                  Critical perspectives

According to us, this webapp can be a good preventive tool for organisations to detect sexist behaviors at the individuals and organisational levels. Because companies need some concrete tools improving equality and fighting discriminations. Nevertheless, the scale is not scientifically validated as excepted. What’s more, we have to pay attention about consequences of passing this test. Indeed, it is an autoevaluation so there is a danger of misinterpretation about results.  The fact that the test reveals us if we are sexist or not, can have consequences on self-esteem or banalize behaviors associated.

In a nutshell, MeToo Mouvment and social networks as Twitter have made it possible to make visible the daily sexism experienced by many women. It is now necessary to develop tools, such as the Meandyoutoo scale, to fight it, but more valid.


Keywords : Sexual Division of Labor / MeToo Movement / Sexual Harassment / Gender Discrimination


Words we have learned :


  • Sexual division of labor : division sexuelle du travail

  • Sexual harassment : harcèlement sexuel

  • Broadly speaking : de façon générale

  • Ingrained : ancré

  • Web app : une application


Alice Guillou & Clémence Giquel

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