In France it seems that the general doctors often prescribe Benzodiazepines (BZD) which are medications dedicated to relieve anxiety disorders. France is even one of the most important users of this kind of molecules in Europe,and that’s not without asking questions. Are they sociological reasons to that situation?

Besides, BZD are addictive, create tolerance and are supposed to be used during 12 consecutive weeks maximum to guarantee their effect, even if a lot of people have been taking it regularly for months and sometimes for years. In those cases, the effects of the molecule are probably closer to the effect of a placebo. Plus, the secondary effects can be problematic because BZD induce memory troubles, lack of attention, and can potentialize the effects of alcohol, among others.

Finally, it's now known that BZD are often prescribed for many troubles, without really evidence-based outcome (Autism and BZD).So, it is important to examine how the medical system takes care of this particular psychic disorder. In this particular situation, it would belogical that doctors and psychologists work hand in hand to take care of these patients. But in France, people are used to go to the doctor infirst intention, furthermore, going to consult a psychologist may sometimes be stigmatizing: when a psychologist consultation is proposed, one may often hear the person answering “but I’m not crazy!”.

Especially in France, going to a therapist, can cost a lot of money, without being refund (approx. 60 euros / per hour). So, information to the doctors and also to the public seems to be needed to erase those prejudices and misconceptions about psychologists.

Moreover, it’s well known that psychotherapy, especially CognitiveBehavioral Therapy (CBT), can be really efficient to cure those troubles.The question of the prescription of psychological therapy by a doctor, andit’s funding can also be asked. So, the expenses could be allowed to efficient solutions for public welfare.



Key - words :

Being refund : être remboursée
Public welfare : Bien-être social
Can potentialize : Peut potentialiser
Induce : Induire
Evidence-based outcome : résultat appuyé sur des preuves

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