My thesis focuses on the links between children’s school well-being, socio-economic background and parenting practices.

More and more researchers are taking an interest in the well-being of children inschool. Indeed, the status of children has been constantly evolving, particularly since the creation in 1989 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Children’s well-being is at the heart of the concerns, in 2016 the French government launched the “bien-être et santé des jeunes” plan, which aims to promote the well-being of children, adolescentsand young adults, no longer with a view to success but as “a right and a duty towards oneself and towards others” (Moro &Brison, 2016). As schools are one of the first places where children are socialized with the family environment, it seems important to take into account the living conditions of children in these two environments.

The research by Tazouti and Jarlégan (2014) showed that there is a link between the socio-economic background of families, parental educational practices and children’s academic performance. We know that school results contribute to the well-beingof children at school (Bacro, Guimard, Florin, Ferrière, & Gaudonville, 2017), which is why this research focuses on the notion of school well-being.

To do this, we interviewed 229 children fromdifferent private, public and priority education schools area. We used a questionnaire created by Guimard and Jacquin (2017) for children aged 5 to 8 years, it is a BE-scol derivative of Guimard et al. (2015). A questionnaire for parents was created to find out the parents’ level of education and their educational practices.

The main result shows that there is a mediating effect of the frequency of parental participation in children’s activities between the socio-economic background and their school well-being. Indeed, the weaker the socio-economic background, the less parents participate in children’s activities and the less parents participate in activities, the lower the level of school well-being. However, if parents from low socio-economic backgrounds regularly participate in children’s activities, this will improve their well-being at school. This shows that it may be important for professionals working with families in difficulty to recall the importance of the time they spend with their children for their development but also for their well-being.

Key words : School well-being, socioeconomic environment, parental educational practices

Vocabulary :

The well-being = le bien-être

Conventionon the Rights of the Child = Convention Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant

A duty = un devoir

Priority education schools area = écoles en réseau d’éducation prioritaire (REP)

A mediation effect = Un effet médiateur


Bacro, F., Guimard, P., Florin, A., Ferrière, S., & Gaudonville,T. (2017). Bien-être perçu, performances scolaires et qualité de vie des enfants à l’école et au collège : étude longitudinale. Enfance, N° 1(1), 61–80. Retrieved from

Guimard, P., Bacro, F., Ferrière, S., Florin, A., Gaudonville, T., & Ngo, H. (2015). Le bien-être des élèves à l’école et aucollège. Validation d’une échelle multidimensionnelle, analyses descriptives et différentielles. Éducation et Formations,(88–89), 163–184.

Moro, M.-R., & Brison, J.-L. (2016, November). Mission bien-être et santé des jeunes. Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé.

Tazouti, Y., & Jarlégan, A. (2014). Socio-economic status,parenting practices and early learning at French kindergartens.International Journal of Early Years Education, 22(3),287–300.

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