Faustine: Hello Louis welcome on the PSTO master! 

Louis: Hi, thank you very much.

Faustine: Let’s talk about it! So Why did you choose to study Industrial-organizational psychology

Louis: First I chose it because i was attracted by social psychology in general. I was interested by studying how a group influe on a person, how it changes the way people act, even the way they think. And all those things push me in putting my interest on specific subjects like PSR, quality of life, intercultural questions. I worked in many different structures and it was really stimulating to observe and understand a part of the different social mechanism. After my Bachelor, I took a kind of Sabatic’s year to work, travel and change my point of view. So I passed a year far from University to think about what I really liked,  an what I wanted to do and finally, here I am.

Faustine: ok great, and so did you enjoy courses of this first month? And are-you satisfied of your choice

Louis: Yes, I really appreciate the different classes, especially the courses of mister Ndobo about social judgement and intergroup relations and also the courses of mrs Jeoffrion focused on the intervention in organizations. I have to say that I’m a bit less passionate by statistics, but I know it’s important to get some notions. So for now, I’m really satisfy and I hope my results will follow.
What about you? What is your favorite course in this Master?

Faustine: I enjoyed courses last year, especially when I learned to do a personality test, but I’m very glad to be in my final year because I’m little tired to be in class and listening someone during 4 hours. The good point is that this year we have a lot of external speaker so it’s more interesting and I can see what I can really do as a psychologist. And for now, my favorite course is organization theater because Ms Grawboski make this course really alive and fun! I also learned how accept myself through the eyes of the other and realized that is really difficult to be thankful or in pain.

Louis: I see. Which principals’ difficulties did you meet during your Master?

Faustine: I didn’t have reals difficulties during these two years expect to find the courage to write my master thesis! I think this master is not complicated if you are curious and active during courses. Teachers are really understandable and take time to explain and if you have any question they are here to answer.  
What about you, what is your favorite experience in social psychology?

Louis: One of the most incredible and scariest experience I ever learnt was the Lucifer effect, put in evidence by Zimbardo and his collaborators. In this experience they put different participants that never met before in a jail and gave them different roles  prisoners and jailers. Jailers had privileges on prisoners and they observed the different reactions. Finally, they had to stop the experience earlier, because many jailers had dangerous and sadistic attitude against prisoners. This example remembers me a sentence my mother used to say, it’s that « the more people have power the more they are likely to abuse of it. »

Faustine: that’s really true. Where would you like to do your internship this year? And why? 

Louis: Well, sincerely I don’t know, I think the objectives of this internship are not very clear and I don’t know how to introduce it to a company or to my future psychologist referent.
For that, where did you do your internship last year, by the way? Which kind of tasks did you have to realize?

Faustine: I did my internship in LGP Conseil in Nantes. It’s a company with expertise in project management training and consulting but also provide skills assessment. I took part in the skills assessment interviews with different consultants at different time. I helped the psychologist during the launch of a quality of work life initiative, and I created a puzzle and a quiz about psychosocial risks. And I attended a seminar on group dynamics and realized the detail reporting. Finally I conducted pre selection telephone interviews for the group Odace. 

Louis: It’s nice.

Faustine: yeah it was really nice. Have you an idea or already choose your master thesis?

Louis: Yes, I would like to work on the influence of style of management on quality of life at work. But for now, I don’t have any plan or specific problematic. I identified tools of evaluation for the Quality of Life but actually I’m at the beginning and I’m digging the subject.
What about your own ? What’s your subject of thesis? What motivated your choice?

Faustine: I worked on the behavior of people in front of a tsunami because the city of Nice asked a study about the potential reaction of the population in front of a tsunami. M. Navarro work on this subject and I found it very interesting so I particularly worked on the imitation process. I thought that people would adopt an imitation behavior: if a group of people panic, a person will also panic but if a group of people react calmly a person will react calmly too. And we used virtual reality to made experiences. 
What is your dream job as psychologist?

Louis: For now, I don’t really know, I stay opened to the different opportunities, with a preference for the intervention in companies as a consultant. I would like to work in a structure like Stimulus and maybe later as a liberal. I am really attracted by working on PSR prevention, so my dream job as psychologist could be consultant in PSR prevention.

Faustine: It’s nice!

Louis: And you, which profession or professional field are you attracted by?

Faustine: First, I was attracted by skills assessment because I had difficulties to find my way so I wanted to help people to find their own. But now, I’m really attracted by personality test and how we can use it in interviews. I think a lot of people misuse theses test so it’s important that psychologists are present in companies to use it well. 

Louis: Sure.

Faustine: When you say you’re gonna be a psychologist, what reactions have your friends/family? And what reactions do you hate most?

Louis: I didn’t notice any special reaction from my friends or family, but with others people I met that’s another story… Two years ago, I worked in a restaurant and a customer told me that psychologists are like modern « preacher men » that listen to the sins of people who feel guiltiness, who need a reason and an attentive ear to feel better and apologize themselves.

Faustine: It’s crazy!

Louis: Yeah sure, before you start to study Psychology what was your representation of the psychologist profession?

Faustine: I’m not sure I had one… But of course at first I thought that a psychologist will be in a chair and listen without a word a patient who will be lying in a sofa… Thanks to Freud, everyone had this representation of the psychologist! But then, for me a psychologist is someone that you will see if you have a problem and you can’t tell anyone. So you’ll see a psychologist to figure it out and try to get better. And now I think there are different type of psychologist but the main method and the most important is to listen carefully and always without judgment.

Louis: Ok! I’m sorry I gotta go I have a class…

Faustine: Ok no problem! See you later!

Louis: See you later, bye!

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