Script :

Antonin : Hello, My name’s Antonin and today I’m with my sister Camille in order to talk about the subject of “changing studies”. Indeed, we both went through a first diploma and then decided to go another way and study in another field. Can you tell us what did you do Camille?

Camille : When I finished high school, I wanted to be a nurse so during 1 year I prepared the exam to enter a nurse school and I succeeded so I entered the nurse school of Nantes. I went to this school for two years and a half and then I realised, I realised I didn’t want to be a nurse anymore, so I stopped this school, and I chose to go to the university to study law and become a lawyer.

Antonin : Okay, thank you, personally, after high school I went to the IUT of Angers and obtained a DUT Génie Biologique witch had as a purpose to work in medical laboratories and conduct health analyses. Yet, whereas the lessons I was taught relied on practical and manual exercises which I enjoyed. I realised that the professional world and job consisted in using automatons to do all the manual work I liked at the IUT. That’s why I lost interest and change studies to study social psychology. Can you explain why you chose to change studies Camille ?

Camille : Yes, of course, there were multiple reasons, the principal one was that I think I would feel better in  a more intellectual work and, the job of a nurse is not “not intellectual work” because you have to think about things but it’s more manual because there were preparations to do, paramedical acts as injections and I didn’t like it a lot. The other reason was that I think this work is not enough recognized by society and the working conditions are tough. We, to my mind, can’t progress in a career when you are a nurse. So, I preferred to choose a work where I can grow and progress.

Antonin : Okay, I think we can highlight similarities between our two stories. We both wanted to get to a more intellectual work. And the reasons behind this choice are linked to the way society interact with the first jobs we wanted, being a nurse and technician in a laboratory. We both felt that t would not be rewarding on a social aspect to spend our career in this fields. And I think this way of thinking can be connected to a theory which is the social Identity theory of Sherif. This theory implies that we value and identify ourselves by comparing with other people and groups. And seeing that this comparation would not fit our expectations concerning life and future we decided that it would be better to change and integrate a group more socially attractive in order to improve the way we perceive ourselves. Also you talked about wanting a work in which you can “grow and progress”. Can you explain a little more what is it meaning for you?

Camille : Sure, since I became a lawyer I feel like I’m more free to give my opinion for example, to exchange with colleagues and superiors, sometimes when we don’t agree on a point we discuss it. Whereas when I was a studying nurse, I did what doctors told me to do and it was more automatic. So, indeed I think I improve myself and I feel better in this work.

Antonin : So would you also say that changing studies was also a way to improve your social rank ?

Camille : Also, but the salary has importance too, I don’t have the same as a nurse and as a lawyer.

Antonin : Sure, I can understand that, I think these elements, improving ourselves, having a higher pay are parts of the motivations we needed to achieve this change of studies. And these motivation resources fit in the Maslow’s theory that is the pyramid of needs. Having a better salary helps to answer the basic physiological and security needs. Choosing another job is a way to find a new group to belong to which is the third need. Also, we previously talked about the importance of the self esteem brought by having a group and a purpose that better fits our expectations, which is the fourth need of the pyramid. Finally, the last need is the realisation of self which we can tend to by working in a field matching with our values helping us to improve ourselves and progress. Thank you Camille, it was a pleasure, have a good day.

Camille : Bye.

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