The film begins with the birth of Clara, a 20-year-old girl who decides to abandon her child at birth. In the hospital, she refuses to have any contact with the baby boy she has just had. She is visited by a social worker who explains to her all the possibilities she has once her child has been left with the social services. Before she leaves the hospital, the social worker recommends that she visits “Theo” to explain why she does not want to keep him because, although he does not understand her words, he will understand her intention and her emotions. This contact is indeed recommended because this young baby normally needs to be connected with his mother from birth (skin to skin, words) in order to achieve continuity between his gestation and his birth (recognition of his mother’s voice in particular). Deprived of maternal care, and therefore of its main caregiver, even if a structure takes care of a baby “well”, the latter risks developing attachment disorders.

Clara eventually leaves the hospital without having spoken to her baby. A battle ensued between the child welfare and adoption services in order to place Theo in a home where he could develop in an appropriate manner. An educator from the ASE takes charge of the little boy in order to look after him while waiting for his adoption. We follow the ups and downs of this temporary relationship between Jean (the educator) and Theo, which will lead to doubts, particularly when Jean realises that the baby does not react as he should. For example, when he hears a thud, the child does not react when he should have a reaction such as being scared and crying or even just turning his head towards the noise. However, these observations, which could have been a sign of abandonment disorder, eventually improved until Theo was behaving in a way that was appropriate for a child of his age.

Alice is another main character in the story. This single woman had applied for adoption years ago while still with her partner. It is in the context of Theo’s adoption that she is called for interviews to see if she is still be “able” and agrees to adopt a child. The adoption is urgent because if they are adopted before the age of one year old, babies are much less likely to develop attachment disorders.

Alice, armed with many doubts, particularly in relation to her capacity to be a mother, finds herself meeting Theo for the first time at the ASE. It is then love at first sight for the woman and we follow during the end of the film the beginning of Alice’s life with her adopted son Theo, who seems to be going perfectly.

Key Terms :

  • Social worker : assistante sociale
  • Caregiver : personne qui va prendre soin de l’enfant
  • Attachment disorders : troubles de l’attachement
  • Adoption : adoption
  • Educator : éducateur

Words I have learned :

  • Child welfare : protection de l’enfance
  • Thud : bruit sourd
  • Be able : être capable
  • Doubts : doutes
  • Maternal care : soins maternel


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