An abstract from my master thesis

Magistrate are civilial officers who work in the jurisdictions of legal or administrative order. They are the keepers of individual liberties in France. There are more and more criminal actions and they have a lot to do and must find out about the cases in emergency. Therefore, they had to adapt to these evolutions. In any circumstances, the magistrates have to show fairness, non-partisanship, patience, dignity and courtesy to everyone. They are often invested in sensible cases such as murders, domestic violences and sexual abuses. The repetition of these events can cause psychological troubles and lead to a burn-out or syndrom related to long-term, unresolved, work-related stress and later a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The aim of the study is to evaluate the psychological impact of the traumas on the magistrates. It is to identify the  explanatory Factors of PTSD and burnout but also to evaluate the risk factors and the consequences of the traumas on the professionnalism of the magistrates. Finally, it is also to show the emotion regulation factors implied.

            PTSD is defined as a range of reactions or symptoms that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, which provoked the death or serious injuries, implied a death thread, sexual assaults or agression risks.

            Several recent studies have highlighted the PTSD-related occupations and shown the impact for instance on social workers who work with child who were sexually assaulted (Many et Osofsky 2012) but also on lawyers or support staff who were in contact with the clients exposed to the traumas (Levin, et al 2011).

            In the fifth edition of the DSM-5[1] includes an innovation ; trauma by proxy.

The fact to learn that the event happened to a relative is also like « a repeated or extreme exposition to the details of the event or events ».

            The term ‘vicarious[2] trauma is attributed to McCann et Pearlman. In an article on the subject, they describe the profound changes that occur in the skilled workers who have to assume their fonctions with trauma survivors  (McCann et Pearlman, 1990). Usually, it concerns people who help or hear the testimonies often of the victims and patients.

                   Before the trial the magistrate of the public prosecutor’s department will collaborate with victims assistance associations. He attends every hearing (assize, police interviews etc) and he will expose the society’s point of view regarding the law, which will be subjected to the judge.

                   The magistrate can suffer from a vicarious trauma. For example after the arrival of social networks and new media, we can notice a questioning impartiality of the justice system. Facing the mediatic pressure, we can quote the « Grégory Villemin in 1984 » case where the magistrate  of the public prosecutor’s department Jean Michel Lambert is accused by the society to botched the case and found dead at home on the 11th of July 2017.

To this day, he remains the failure figure of the case. There was also a case of sexual abuse on underages, « the case Outreau ». The debates at court are discussed in the households via the television and internet.

Moreover, the important number of cases investigated by the magistrates implying political personalities (Garraud, P. 2002) creates an unhealthy environment. Consequently, a lot of problems add to the previous ones, giving a harder task to the profession of magistrate.

                   PTSD can lead to other symptoms (Kassam-Adams, 1995) and produce a lack of concentration, mood disorders, emotional ones such as outbursts of anger, anxiety, physiological consequences like somatic complaints, headaches, lost of appetite and sleep disorders. Finally, there are interpersonal consequences including hypervigilance, despair, an incapacity to listen (lack of empathy), avoidance, fear, chronical exhaustion, tendency to minimize and a sort of guilt. Lots of these symptoms can interfere with the judicial procedure (Jaffe and al 2003).

PTSD can bring vulnerability factors to some individuals (Ahmed, 2007). The resort to psychoactive substances for people who suffer from it can be a way to join a group, improve the performances or even restrain a personal suffering like anxiety or stress. Thus, comorbidity between PTSD and psychoactive use disorders is high and can complicate the handling of the person  (Lecigne and Tapia 2016).

The importance of emotional regulation strategies for magistrates can be very relevant. Social support, coping style[3] and personality style are three soothing factors.

            Thereby, several studies have shown that the people with a larger social network, active confrontation strategies and an attribution style[4] to external, temporary and specific causes are less likely to develop a PTSD, in comparison with the people with little social support, a coping style focused on avoidance and an attribution style to internal, stable and general causes (Guay, 2002).

Key Words: Burnout, Explanatory Factors, PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, vicarious trauma, emotional regulation strategies

5 words I have learned :

Non-partisanship : impartialité

A hearing : une assise (en justice)

Public prosecutor’s department : le parquet (en justice)

Soothing : modérateur

Avoidance : évitement

Bibliography :

Ahmed, A. (2007). Post-traumatic stress disorder, resilience and vulnerability. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 13(5), 369-375. doi:10.1192/apt.bp.106.003236

Garraud, P. 2002. 1. La Politique A L’épreuve Du Jugement Judiciaire : La Pénalisation Croissante Du Politique Comme « Effet Induit » Du Processus D’autonomisation De L’institution Judiciaire. In Garraud, P., & Briquet, J. (Eds.), Juger La Politique : Entreprises Et Entrepreneurs Critiques De La Politique. Presses Universitaires De Rennes. Doi :10.4000/Books.Pur.24761

Guay,S. Mainguy,N. Marchand, A (2002) Les Troubles Liées Aux Evénements Traumatiques. Dépistage Et Traitement. Repéré A Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/277279439_Les_Troubles_Lies_Aux_Evenements_Traumatiques_Depistage_Et_Traitement

Jaffe, P-G. Crooks, C-V. Dunford-Jackson, B-L. Town, M. (2003) Vicarious Trauma In Judges: The Personal Challenge Of Dispensing Justice, Juvenile And Family Court Journal.

Kassam-Adams N. (1995).The Risks Of Treating Sexual Trauma : Stress And Secondary Trauma In Psychotherapists. In Stamm B.H. Secondary Traumatic Stress. Self-Care Issues For Clinicians, Researchers, And Educators. Lutherville:Sidran Press.

Lecigne, M.Tapia, G.(2016) .Trouble De Stress Post-Traumatique Et Trouble Lié A L’usage De Substances Illicites : Le Rôle Médiateur Des Schémas Précoces Inadaptés. Pratiques Psychologiques Vol 22. 417–430

Levin. Ap, Albert L, Besser A, Smith D, Zelenski A, Rosenkranz S, Neria Y.(2011) Secondary Traumatic Stress In Attorneys And Their Administrative Support Staff Working With Trauma-Exposed Clients.

Many,M. Osofsky,J. (2012) Working With Survivors Of Child Sexual Abuse, Secondary Trauma  And Vicarious Traumatization.Chapter 23

Mccann,L. Pearlman, L. (1990). Vicarious Traumatization: A Framework For Understanding The Psychological Effects Of Working With Victims. Journal Of Traumatic Stress, 3(1), 131–149.Doi:10.1002/Jts.2490030110

[1]Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2013

[2]Which replaces, substitutes to something else.

[3]Adaptive strategies which reduce stress

[4]Process by which individuals explain the causes of behavior and events (external/internal causes attributed)

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