Clean energy: can this new market drive the economic recovery?

Written by Matthieu CZIMMERMAN, Msc in Renewable Energy System Technology – LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY

Energy is especially since the 20th century a key element in our societies. Energy has long been considered as unlimited, now questions remain about its generation, especially on an Earth which seems to suffer from human activities. First, we will define some key elements:

A clean energy is an energy which does not pollute the atmosphere when it is used. It creates an insignificant amount of carbon dioxide, and its use can reduce the effect of global warming – or global pollution. The image bellow shows different type of clean energy sources:

An economic recovery is a period of economic expansion, typically after a recession. During a recovery period, there are high levels of growth in real Gross Domestic Product GDP, employment, corporate profits, and other indicators.

The analysis of the graph bellow shows that since the industrial revolution, the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising and it has taken off since the beginning of the “thirty glorious years”. It seems that global warming is correlated with human activity. Thus, countries need to change the way they generate their energy to preserve our planet.

As the following pie chart from IEA shows, the main part of the worldwide power is generated by coal plants. Thus, a shift to renewable energy sources seems essential for the future generation.

In this article, we will see the pros and the cons of clean energy and conclude.


I- Pros


II- Cons


A shift in energy production is necessary. Clean energy is a new market, offering new opportunities, but it hides new challenges. Moreover, we need to change our lifestyle and consume less. Thus, we ask a question: What do you think you should change in your life style? Yet, it does not seem people are ready for change, even if the situation is alarming. Renewable energy seems to be a new market in the energy sector which interest investors to make money. Their development does not aim at saving the Earth. A significant issue is that we are living in a world with some people controlling the wealth but with small ambition: in the short-term is their leitmotiv. Who will one day meet the challenge of creating a circular economy including the energy generation? Everyone should have access to electricity, the will to share it, remembering it is not unlimited. Now, we want people who are aware of common good!

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